We've been working hard to improve the Old City Bitcoiners website and other initiatives. One of the most important aspects of that is a cool logo! We had been using the City of St. Augustine logo, but we wanted something unique and memorable.
Fortunately, one of our Bitcoin & Beer regulars is a design consultant and very skilled at graphic design! He even teaches graphic design at the local college! How lucky! Our new logo was designed by DarkSquare Design, a brand consulting company based right here in the Old City!
Now that we have a great logo, we can start working on other projects, such as making merchandise for the meetup including T-Shirts and maybe hats, and creating a store on this website to help support meetup initiatives.
Have other ideas? Share them at one of our meetups!
Thanks again to DarkSquare.com for the excellent design!

Want to show your support for Old City Bitcoiners? Consider donating today! All donations go to our monthly crowdfunding goals.